Pekanbaru Shopping Tour

Down market is Pekanbaru City Shopping Tour. Not complete it when visiting Pekanbaru if not stopping or shopping at the Market Down Pekanbaru. The people from outside Pekanbaru always make the market as one of the places to visit if you come to pekanbaru.

Market Down Pekanbaru including the oldest market in Pekanbaru city, so the market is a market under traditional Pekanbaru. Pekanbaru Down Market is located at the edge of the Siak River and close to the harbor, then on the market is easy to get goods from abroad with low prices.
Once entry of these goods not so prohibited. Down market a favorite place to hunt for electronic goods from abroad.
But surely not all electronic goods only, various knick-knacks like a jar of households and statues are also available with various options.
But as time went on, government regulations became more stringent. The goods that used to easily enter, now no longer.
Pekanbaru municipal market would not have known it to be dead. So then Pemko build a better market and make it as a tourist market in the town pekanbaru.
The market is now under Pekanbaru changed its name to Market Tour, despite the much more familiar with the name of the Lower Market. We acknowledge the steps taken was the right pekanbaru Pemko. Until now we still can hunt goods from abroad with prices in a certain way (hence clever-clever, hehehe).

Now, keep in mind this tourist market is about existence. this was possible the goods sold there should have cultivated a particular characteristic and are not found in other markets in the city pekanbaru.
Do not let ke'ekslusifan 'below market will be lost at times as the presence of naked malls and plazas in the city pekanbaru. Let local governments to regulate the traders there and help find items unique products and riau pekanbaru general. All parties can be involved so that the tourist market remains pekanbaru community pride that we introduce the exit area.

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